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Archive for January, 2009
published on: 29.01.2009 in: All entries
Landed on the island where I was born, in the Caribbean. You would think my son swallowed Duracell batteries as he's running around all over the place, his arms flapping uncontrollably out of sheer excitement. It's surprising as I can never seem to get him to go outside in Amsterdam. I suppose he doesn't like […]
published on: 27.01.2009 in: All entries
I'm about to go to the Caribbean and have tons of practicalities to take care of. Instead, I couldn't resist working on a scene in my novel. I just closed the file I was working on and couldn't help but think the paragraph I had been working on feels too constructed. By now I have […]
published on: 26.01.2009 in: All entries
This weekend we tried to do a “let’s take care of this and that and also do this” kapow weekend. We managed to succeed in about a third of our plans. It always amazes me how families with three kids are out and about, in the park, shopping, frolicking, drawing, cleaning cars, repainting walls, sweeping […]
published on: 23.01.2009 in: All entries
Perhaps there was a truth to yesterday's entry. This morning I jumped around the house singing "I shall be the new star of the literary world" to my man and son. Not that I can back this up by anything other than: sleep deprivation. Apart from a surge of creativity, sleep deprivation also leads to […]
published on: 22.01.2009 in: All entries
"Sleep deprivation may sometimes be intentionally induced for various reasons. Vivid hallucinations, heightened senses and a feeling of incredible creativity may occur after 48 hours (or less) of being in a state of sleeplessness. There is even a history of sleep deprivation being used by different schools of religious mystics as a form of asceticism or […]
published on: 21.01.2009 in: All entries
My son (he's going on 3) couldn't settle in yesterday evening, so I said "alright then, you can come upstairs and watch Obama with us, but do not say a word because you're supposed to be asleep." He sat there, intently studying the black cars, the security agents, the crowds, Obama as he stepped out […]
published on: 20.01.2009 in: All entries
I was researching Aristotelean tragic recognition yesterday and found something interesting in "Hegel's Ethics of Recognition" (google books). It proved to be an a-ha experience in relation to the story I'm writing. Remember Macbeth was blinded by ambition and killed Banquo? "Despite his murder of Banquo, Macbeth has not really finished him off. Banquo reappears as […]
published on: 19.01.2009 in: All entries
I had an epiphany yesterday while doing chores around the house and simultaneously listening to meditational "rain storm" sounds on my new ambiance application. I went to sleep telling myself I'd put this epiphany to good use and start at 8 am. It is now 11. So far (not) so good.
published on: 18.01.2009 in: All entries
Friends came over for dinner yesterday. They downloaded some cool applications on my iphone for me and inspired me to check out Twitter. I had been avoiding things like Facebook because I am addiction-prone (remember, I once mentioned my addiction to a famous Dutch writer's blog?) But I couldn't resist registering for Twitter. And I […]
published on: 16.01.2009 in: All entries
Still working on my article for a Dutch Feminist Magazine (De Opzij). It's proving to be a good exercise in personal motivation. I'm researching autobiographical sex-novels by females. Each and every one of them became overnight bestsellers. As mentioned before, writing truths attracts an audience. But it's when you write truths about your sex-life that […]