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Archive for April, 2014

white (wo)man in africa

published on: 29.04.2014 in: All entries

She doesn’t belong, not in this language. Belonging. It’s a word that doesn’t translate into Dutch. Perhaps only cultures who have had to fight to gain territory in this world know what it means to belong. The Dutch sometimes took, but basically simply are. They be. Be-long. To long for. I am at the gates, […]


No, we don’t forget

published on: 12.04.2014 in: All entries

I hear a child screeching. The high pitch is laced with low tones coming from somewhere in his gut. He sounds like a wild animal. I look outside. It’s a beautiful day. I see how this toddler boy is watching a slightly smaller toddler girl leave. She is hanging on to the teacher’s hand as […]
