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To tweet or not to tweet?

published: 2009-04-03

So much has been said about twitter, why should I add to all that? Especially as it's not my style to write blog entries about anything online I mean: leave that to the "gurus". I do, however, write about personal things. And this is what twitter has brought me personally: it's put me in touch with writer peers I'd otherwise never be in touch with, and it's giving me almost immediate access to information that interests me (through tweets by people I follow because they interest me). But more interestingly to me personally: I'm interacting with all kinds of people all over the world. For example, someone might find me (or I him) after I've tweeted about SD/dystonia. Which means: he too has it. And is also worrying about how long his last botox treatment will last. Or we'll find each other because we're searching twitter for the word "screenplay". Most likely, all these screenwriters are worrying about the inciting incident as much as I am. A lot of my friends are wary of twitter. Yes, there are a few worrying aspects. It's highly addictive. And on certain days, one can feel a little left out as there certainly is a divide between the cooler/more popular (I believe the word is "geeky") twitter incrowd and people like me. But then again, I can't blame twitter for that. I've always felt left out of literally everything. I think that just about defines me as being a writer. Also, anything you write can one day be used against you as it's set in the stone of google archives. So one must be a little cautious about what one puts out there into the world. Then again, aren't we human beings always exactly that? Cautious, the very moment we interact with eachother? We put up our guards, whether we're chatting in a bar or on twitter. So for now, my initial verdict reads: I like twitter.

4 Responses to “To tweet or not to tweet?”

  1. Jur says:

    I don’t. it’s like blogging but it’s not, it’s like chatting but it’s not. it’s just in between everything and reminds me too much of spam, but the product now is not viagra or “penis enlargement” but one’s own personality. and i think i am just not very fond of personalities. not even my own. so i am afraid my twitter account is terminally ill. it will die. it is alright. i don’t mind.

  2. jur says:

    jurr dice:
    aliefka heeft me nog altijd niet toegevoegd op twitter
    jurr dice:
    ze volgt 103 mensen
    jurr dice:
    116 mensen volgen haar
    jurr dice:
    maar ik zit bij die 13 apostelen die ze links laat liggen
    jurr dice:
    hoe durft ze
    Timmé dice:
    ja wat wil je
    Timmé dice:
    ze is geboren in een boevenkot
    jurr dice:
    jurr dice:
    die ga ik op dr blog zetten
    jurr dice:
    dit gesprek
    jurr dice:
    moet ik je naam verdoezelen
    Timmé dice:
    hehe hoeft niet
    Timmé dice:
    is wel lief toch
    Timmé dice:
    het mag wel eens gezegd worden
    Timmé dice:
    dat ze geboren is onder een roversgesternte

  3. alief says:

    @vigrx (viagra?) plus Thank you.

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