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Meaning what?

published: 2009-12-04

I came across a photo of the man who has died: he and a friend of mine are intently bent over her laptop, discussing dreams and plans for the future. It was taken during the launch of my first novel. She had flown in from the Caribbean, was all energy and powerful charisma. He had come from Spain, recently pensioned. They got along well.
A few weeks after that photo was taken, she found out she had cancer. An intense year followed during which he always informed after her. He was concerned.
I just emailed her to tell her he has died of a heart attack subsequent to chemotherapy. I felt I needed to do this, as during my last conversation with him we talked about her. He was pleased and relieved to hear she is doing extremely well. She replied that she can’t quite grasp all this.
When looking at that photo taken only three years ago, neither can I. All I know is that surely, all this must mean something.

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