Angry girl on the chair
published: 2010-09-29 Angry little girl. You throw a punch, pull a backpack off a classmate's shoulders. You don't tickle but poke. And you bite your lip in fury.
"Hello little girl, how are you?"
You sit on your little chair, little girl. The seats next to you remain empty. You lean on the palms of your hands which you have planted firmly on the chair, next to your thighs. Your wrists have gone white where they fold.
Did someone say "hello?"
Again, you bite your lip. Can you taste your own blood? How far up can you roll your eyes so you don't have to look at kindness without having to turn your head away? Your cheeks are flushed, your eyes are watery, and you are thinking, "Please go. Please disappear."
Then something descends down upon your tiny little shoulders. The weight of a curtain covers your face. Behind which you withdraw yourself.