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Archive for May, 2014

a toddler’s cry

published on: 23.05.2014 in: All entries

There is a school behind my house. A Brazilian nanny was verbally abusing a blonde curly-haired toddler. His cry was coarse, animal-like. Her voice was low and raspy. She was strapping him up into his stroller with forceful and jerky movements, as she tried to hold her irritation and failed to do so. I understand […]


33 footholds and a bit of black gold

published on: 09.05.2014 in: All entries

I am at Fort Apollonia on the West coast of Ghana. It marks the last fort I’ll visit, as it is the most Western fort. It was also the last one the British built: 1756 (their first was in 1631). I might be overstating things with the following, but I feel it’s a part of […]


stay friends with your people

published on: 05.05.2014 in: All entries

“Make sure you stay friends with your people,” says my guide when we say our goodbyes. I am moving on to the next coastal place as there are more Dutch forts to see. So many of them that I’m running out of time. To stay friends with your people. It is the modus Vivendi of […]
