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Archive for October, 2012

if I can make it there

published on: 08.10.2012 in: All entries

White baguette, cheese, chocolate, caramel and a latte. This was my lunch. While in the supermarket a few hours later, my legs went weak, my hands shook and I had to hold on to a rack for fear I would black-out. This event took me back a few years, to New York. I was 24-years-old […]



published on: 06.10.2012 in: All entries

I drive and a car tailgates me. It is a bigger car than mine. Safer. Mine is silver, actually it’s grey. His is gold, actually it’s brown. It annoys me. Why doesn’t he keep his distance? I go faster, he goes faster. I go faster still, he does the same. I give my brakes a […]


perception is truth

published on: 01.10.2012 in: All entries

“Brave”. “Touching.” “Impressive.” “Powerful.” It’s always that way. When you least expect it, people react most passionately to something you’ve written. I had coffee this morning with a friend, he said how the piece I had written about my dystonia had stayed with him. And I, in turn, didn’t know how to respond. I felt […]
