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Archive for May, 2010

When all of it makes sense

published on: 05.05.2010 in: All entries

It all makes perfect sense. One singular hour bridges the gap of thirty years and quite elegantly connects then to now.Back then, she and I were eight years old. We were best-friends. We went to an all girl’s school and wore purple uniforms. Shoulder length hair or longer was to be tied up in a […]


Mood stone

published on: 03.05.2010 in: All entries

A mood ring. We noticed it in a local shop here, in this beach village I’m at with my son and niece. It had little butterflies on it. My niece immediately fell for it, even though it was too big. “A mood ring?” she asked. I explained – “it changes colour according to your mood.” […]



published on: 02.05.2010 in: All entries

I am in a ‘house by the sea’ with my son and niece. An hour ago, she announced she is homesick. She did so in a goofy, 7-yr-old-girly way. Shy and smiling, yet her voice quaky. What is homesickness, exactly? It is still light outside so it can’t have been fear.I think back to when […]


LA Woman

published on: 01.05.2010 in: All entries

Community workers were testing the playground pool and temporarily filled it with water. As none of the parents had expected this, the best option was to let the kids shed all their clothes. They splashed around naked, ecstatic. This is Amsterdam, as it was. We used to be groovy, we used to be wild, we […]
